

can overshadow
You can
learn how to
not let it.

What is Anxiety?
Anxiety can occur when a challenge or situation feels greater than your confidence or ability to handle it.

What happens when someone feels anxious?
They may want to avoid the thing they think is causing the anxiety.
Over time, this can reduce their resilience, flexibility, & their self-confidence.
Avoidance teaches Fear,
Doing teaches Resilience.
Therapy can help clients build their self-confidence, demonstrate to clients that they can face their fears, and teach parenting strategies for raising resilient kids.

about various types of anxiety here
Perspective from people with Anxiety
Read the letter, "5 Things I Wish You Knew", a letter to adults, written by an anxious child about their anxiety.
"How To Make Stress Your Friend"
TED talk by Kelly McGonigal
TED talk by Dr. Anne Marie Albano
"Coping with severe OCD as a teen"
Video through Vice, demonstrates thoughts that may otherwise be operating but not verbalized; shows parenting strategies in helping teen with anxiety
Frequent anxieties actually leads to anxiety avoidance
Research by Dr. Borkovec. This means that the way anxieties are expressed may actually cause an increase anxiety over the long-term

Healthy Habits
Below are some things you can do that may help decrease cues linked to anxiety or worries
Find & engage in flow activities regularly. A flow activity is defined as an activity that you (or your child) isn't really good at, isn't really bad at, and where you or your child can lose track of time and just enjoy it. Bonus points if the flow activity is swimming or playing a wind instrument (which teaches breathing techniques)
Eat frequently. Hunger pains can be interpreted as body anxiety cues.
Go outside. Time pressure and other concepts associated with stress are less apparent in nature.
Get good sleep. It's typically easier to think through and manage emotions when you have good sleep!
Additional Information
Contact us for an appointment by completing this secure form: CONTACT US
Read more about therapists that provide therapy for anxiety to children: Meet Dr. Sarah
Read more about therapists that provide therapy for anxiety to teens and adults: Meet Dr. Sarah
717-879-9797 x 101